Fat Almost Stole My Life!



Your dreams may never come true in 2016!!




It’s because FAT kills, FAT Mames, FAT steals your life and steals your dreams faster than any thing on this planet!!


According to the American Journal of Public Health approximately 1 in 5 black or white Americans are dying from illnesses related to obesity.


Illnesses like: high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and more.


The average 30 year old in this country is on 7 to 10 medications! Medications that their grandparents are on!


This is proving that the life expectancy is going down! America is one of the riches countries in the world yet; they are winning the race in early, needless deaths!


And what about our kids??? It is predicted that this generation growing up now, will not see life past age 40!!


Do you have dreams for your kids? Who’s going to be there for them if you’re not around?


Do you have dreams to get married? Amazing travel? Start a business, invent something that will change the world, make more money to help your family?


Your dreams have VALUE and are you just going to give them away just like that?


I’m sure you did not come to this planet to be a slave to FAT!


You didn’t come here to feel horrible about yourself! To lack energy, to be sick all the time!


I know, I know. You’re going to start your diet today…or maybe tomorrow.


You’ll lose a few pounds, and then stop because it’s too hard.


Then back to same old habits.


I’ve seen it time and time again, because that use to be ME!


I can read your mind. You’re thinking, “Kamille, you sound so NEGATIVE!!!”   LOL…Yes, I do because for some people, you have to see what you’re going to LOSE in order for you to get serious about LOSING!


But what if things could be different? What if…you could learn the TRUTH about how your body…not your friend’s body, but how YOUR BODY loses best?


What if you can learn how to change your MIND so that losing fat and living a healthy lifestyle FAST and EASY!


In the next few days, I’m launching a groundbreaking program based on the secrets I learned from celebrity fitness trainers, the professional sports and medical industry, my own personal fat-loss success and the success of with hundreds of people I’ve worked with over the past 10 years!


If you are interested in learning more, sign-up for my free newsletter explaining more at www.coachingwithkamille.com and be one of the first people to be a part of it!


There will be FREE gifts and more!


Let’s make 2016 be the year YOU get to see, live, and enjoy the dreams you’ve been waiting so long for!!


See you soon!


From my heart to yours,


Coach Kam